Looking for a job in Philly?

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    • #218184

      Hi there, if you’re looking to get on a career path, there’s no time like the present while we are all on lockdown to think about your future and go get that career you’ve always wanted.

      Find a handful of tips and links for you to snack on below. I hope they help as you look to connect with things you may need–like training and some education–or simply just an updated, professional resume.

      1) A list of online career resources: https://www.pacareerlinkphl.org/resources/
      2) A list of available essential jobs: https://www.pacareerlinkphl.org/covid/#post
      3) 35 opening at nonprofits in Philly:

      On the market: 35 openings across the nonprofit sector

      4) List of jobs at nonprofits, updated:


      I will keep updating this list, please share it with anyone looking for a career!

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